Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hi, sometimes Pringles suck

Hi there citizens. I am bored so i am blogging, though I don't have too too much to talk about and again I am very very very very very



TOO many verys...I just typed too many tired the first time...hey anyone out there getting the idea that I'm tired?

Anyway let's see what can i blog about? OH! I know a couple things...ONE I am putting up a new video of me and my best friends at ORU being absolutly insane in our school's terrible cafeteria...(But it's not up yet) but it will be soooon. anyway thats one... ( )

The other thing I thought of was the fact that the pringles company put out a limited edition chip that was notoriously CHEESEBURGER FlAVORED. I was all like YAY a chip that is fairly inexpensive, and if it taste like a cheese! And like the poor niave freshman I am, I purchased a package of them.

Let me just tell you now, there is no way on earth that a potateo chip can ever taste like a cheeseburger. Even if 17 men in their prime were given whatever materials they wanted, and told they had 30 years to make the chips taste like cheese burgers or they would all be killed in brutal ways, Like watching american idol reruns for days on end, or being forced to watch people sing karokie...EVEN THEN there would NEVER be produced a chip, especially not a pringle that tasted like a cheeseburger. I mean it's like two completely different foodstuffs...SERIOSULY! anyway, like I said i was dumb enough to purchase a package of these pringles...

and I opened the packed with a POP, honestly expecting a thin peice of potateo to somehow taste like a nice juice burger...seriously...

Needless to say, I became a sadly dissapointed person. The chips didn't taste like a cheeseburger (I know, I know HUGE shocker there), more like yellow ranch flavored chips...I was sorly dissapointed (there are some videos of that too)

If you think that was bad, let me continue. Later on that same day, I was blessed...(blessed? yeah I suppose) with a cheeseburger from Burger King...I went on to make a video documentary of a comparison of the two (the real cheese burger and the fake horrible chips...) sadly the camera died before we could give the results...

and since you're all on the edge of your seats, I'll just say...THOSE CHIPS DON'T QUITE MAKE THE CUT...

ok that's an understatement...

Just so you know, and so you're not dissapointed, if you go to purchase some pringles and they say cheeseburger on them, be aware that they do NOT taste like cheeseburgers

or better yet, just don't buy them. i don't know if you could quite handle the dissapointment

Anyway, I guess I'll blog later...


1 comment:

Roz said...

Hello there random stranger, who I, a random stranger, happened to stumble upon on this here blogger network. I felt led to grace your page with this comment, so that you may feel fullfilled and humbled that your commentary on chips has greatly enriched my life and influenced my future chip buying decisions. I am greatly appreciative, to you stranger of whom I am a stranger to. :) YAY!!!! For bad chips!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!