Monday, June 9, 2008

so yeah...

You know something that makes me laugh!? Upperclassmen in high school. I don't know if you've seen the post that upperclassmen post for freshman. It's so stupid it goes on and on and on about all this random crap about stuff that freshman do/try to do. Basically it talks all about how being a freshman sucks. which is does...but the point is...
Hey I remember loving my freshman year. The reason was everyone ignored me. No one made fun of me. Anyway I think the whole thing is really stupid and pointless. I mean don't you think the freshman coming in a afraid enough without stupid retarded sophomores (cause mostly they are the ones that do it, seniors should be too busy being indifferent to them) posted stupid random lists of crap? Yes, freshmen can be annoying but I mean get over yourselves!!! not to mention it's no so long before you will be a freshman again yourself if you go to college...and if you don't you should just shut your mouths. when you graduate you too will understand how irrelevant high school is. Until then. shut up.
GRAAAA the end.